The Convenience of Living Close to Work

Many employees are forced to commute long distances to get to and from work each day,
which can make the process of waking up in the morning that much more difficult. However,
if you’re fortunate enough to live close enough to your workplace that you could walk or bike
to it, you’ll find yourself more prepared and energized when your alarm goes off in the
morning, and less distracted when you have time off at night after work. Consider these
benefits of finding a home near your workplace before you look for your next place to live.

Save Time and Energy on Commutes
It is no secret that commuting can be a drain on one’s time and energy. The average
American spends an hour and twenty minutes commuting each day, which comes out to
about 100 hours a year. This does not include the morning and evening commute during
which you are still at work. That is two weeks out of the year spent just traveling back and
forth from your house to the office or your workplace.

What if you could save all this time? What if you could spend that hour-and-a-half traveling
somewhere else? You would have more time at home with family or enjoy more hobbies,
such as gardening, woodworking, or golfing. In addition, you might even have time left over
for a social life outside of work!

Take Advantage of Upward Moves
There are many benefits to living close to work, one being that you can walk or bike. This is
a great way to stay active and healthy while getting some fresh air at the same time. You’ll
also save money on gas and parking, which will add up over time. Plus, you’ll be able to
spend more time with family if they live in the same area as your workplace. And lastly, you
won’t have any excuses for not being able to exercise by having an obstacle course right out
your front door!

Save Money on Rent/Owning Costs
Living close to work can save you money on rent or mortgage payments, and also in time
spent commuting. This translates into more time at home with your family and less time lost
in traffic.
You’ll also find it easier to make ends meet with lower grocery bills because you’ll be closer
to shops, restaurants, and other amenities. You’ll even have a shorter commute if you walk
or bike instead of drive.

Build Professional Relationships
One way to leverage living close to work is by networking with your neighbors. It’s a great
way to meet people who might be able to help you in your career and find out what’s going
on in the area. You’ll also have a greater sense of belonging if you live where you work, as
well as being able to contribute back by participating in local community events. A big perk of
living near work is that it saves time and money. You’ll spend less on transportation costs,
reducing the burden on your wallet and environment, which makes for a healthier lifestyle

Improve Your Happiness at Home
When you live close to work, you can avoid having a long commute and spend more time
with your family. Plus, if there’s a natural disaster or terrorist attack in your area, it’s much
easier to get home without the hassle of traffic or other disruptions. It’s also convenient
because when you’re running late for work in the morning, you can just walk right out the
door. In addition, if you’re someone who uses public transportation like buses and trains,
living near work will make your commute faster and more pleasant because it’ll be less
crowded. Finally, living close by means that it’ll be easier for visitors coming into town
for business or pleasure trips because they won’t have any trouble finding your place!

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